IP Wenda and Senator Gorka Elejabarrieta, Director of International Relations for E H Bildu and Basque Senator in Madrid
Last week, Interim President Benny Wenda and ULMWP Head of EU Mission Oridek Ap were hosted in the Basque Country by Vice Chair of the International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) Senator Gorka Elejabarrieta, and welcomed by the Spanish Senate and Congress in Madrid.
During the visit, the delegation of the ULMWP Provisional Government was received at the Basque Parliament in Gastiez (Vitoria) by the President of the Parliament, Bakartxo Tejeria Otermin. They were also invited by the Foreign Affairs Committee to provide an update on the human rights crisis, including on the 60,000 currently displaced by military operations. This also provided the opportunity to officially thank members for the motion of concern, passed by the Committee last October.

ULMWP Interim President and Head of EU Mission being welcomed by President of the Basque Parliament, Bakartxo Tejeria Otermin

Providing an update to members of the Foreign Affairs Committee, pictured with Chair: Rakel Molina Pérez
In the Parliament of Navarre, in Iruña (Pamplona), they were welcomed by President Unai Hualde and invited to provide an update to the International Coexistence and Solidarity Commission, where concern was also voiced about access for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

With President Unai Hualde, in the Parliament of Navarre
In Madrid, Interim President Wenda and the Head of EU Mission were hosted by a broad spectrum of cross-party Senators, who consolidated their support for the visit of High Commissioner Bachelet and offered their solidarity with the West Papuan people. President Wenda was able to thank them, on behalf of the ULMWP and the West Papuan people, for their motion, passed by the Foreign Affairs Committee last March.

Providing an update to a cross party group of Senators

The ULMWP are welcomed by a cross-party group of Senators, with a large delegation from PSOE
The following day, they were also invited to meet with a similarly broad spectrum of Congress Deputies who also shared their concern over human rights and offered their support.

IP Wenda is welcomed to provide a briefing to members of the Congress, including representatives of Podemos

Supportive Congress Deputies with the Morning Star flag
Interim President Wenda said:
‘On behalf of the ULMWP Provisional Government and the people of West Papua, I would like to thank IPWP Vice Chair Senator Elejabarrieta, the Basque Parliaments and the Spanish Senate and Congress for our warm welcome. This solidarity and demand for human rights will not be forgotten, by the West Papuan people, or by history. Ours has been a long struggle, and as we continue to walk the long road towards freedom for our people, those that stand up for democracy and human rights walk beside us and help to forge the path.’