Right to Self-Determination

Melinda Janki, 'West Papua and the Right to Self Determination under International Law', 2010
Thomas Musgrave, 'An analysis of the 1969 Act of Free Choice in West Papua', 2015
Papuan People's Assembly, Report on 2010 Consultation over Special Autonomy in Papua, 2013
Pieter Drooglever, 'An Act of Free Choice', 2005
John Saltford, 'The United Nations involvement with the Act of Self Determination in West Irian 1968-69', 2000
Jason Macleod, Rosa Moiwend & Jasmine Pilbrow, 'A Historic Choice: West Papua, Human Rights and Pacific Diplomacy', 2016
Powes Parkop, 'Reinscription of West Papua as a Colonised State and People', 1998