The Australian green party has endorsed a resolution on West Papua at their national conference in Brisbane on May 20, 2018, as follows:

That the National Conference of the Green Party, Australia:

– Reaffirm our commitment to West Papuan self-determination;
– Recognizes United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) as representative of West Papuan political aspirations;
– Supports West Papua to be re-registered on the UN Decolonisation list at the UN General Assembly 2019;
– Requests full disclosure of Australian assistance provided to the police and military of Indonesia used in West Papua, including the Joint Center for Law Enforcement Cooperation, Special Detachment 88 and TNI;
– Asks the Indonesian government to respect the West Papuan human rights, including press freedom and freedom of expression;
– Requests that foreign journalists access to West Papua be opened.

As a result of a workshop / presentation held at the National Conference, a consensus-approved Green Australia Member to approve an urgent resolution of West Papua.

Speakers at this workshop / presentation are:
– Dr. Jacob Rumbiak (ULMWP)
– Veronica Koman (Indonesian human rights lawyer)
– Jason MacLeod (activist educator, organiser, researcher)
– Senator Richard at Natale and Andrew Bartlett (Green party)

It is an honour to hear the activism of the speakers for West Papua . As a result of the workshop, we asked the National Conference to support the West Papuan struggle for their right of self-determination through the above mentioned means.